


Influence of the Hand on the Specific Absorption Rate in the Head

Chung-Huan Li, Mark Douglas, Erdem Ofli, Benoit Derat, Sami Gabriel, Nicolas Chavannes, and Niels Kuster, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume 60, Issue 2, pp. 1066–1074, February 2012, online October 21, 2011





Local SAR Enhancements in Anatomically Correct Children and Adult Models as a Function of Position within 1.5T MR Body Coil

Manuel Murbach, Eugenia Cabot, Esra Neufeld, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Andreas Christ, Klaas Prüssmann, and Niels Kuster, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Volume 107, Issue 3, pp. 428–433, December, 2011. Online September 22





Application of an Induced Field Sensor for Assessment of Electromagnetic Exposure from Compact Fluorescent Lamps

Jagadish Nadakuduti, Mark Douglas, Myles Capstick, Sven Kühn, and Niels Kuster, Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 33, Issue 2, pp. 166–175, February 2012. Online August 31, 2011

Mechano-Chemical Simulation of a Solid Tumor Dynamics for Therapy Outcome Predictions

Mechano-Chemical Simulation of a Solid Tumor Dynamics for Therapy Outcome Predictions

Sven Hirsch, Dominik Szczerba, Bryn Lloyd, Michael Bajka, Niels Kuster, and Gabor Szekely, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 231–241, 2011, online August 15

Experimental investigations of tumors often result in data reflecting very complex underlying mechanisms. Computer models of such phenomena enable their analysis and may lead to novel and more efficient therapy strategies. We present a generalized finite-element mechano-chemical model of a solid tumor and assess its suitability for predicting therapy outcome. The model includes hosting tissue, tumor cells (vital and necrotic), nutrient (oxygen), blood vessels, and a growth inhibitor. At a certain time instant of the tumor development virtual therapies are performed and their outcomes are presented. The model parameters are obtained either directly from the available literature or estimated using multi-scale modeling. First results indicate the usefulness of multi-physics tumor models for predicting therapy response. In the proposed model a regression of a manifest tumor after therapy may be observed.

The scientific and technical impact of the study can be summarized as:

  • A refined model of tumor growth and several therapy approaches was developed, which incorporates cell proliferation, apoptosis and necrosis as well as angiogenic activity at a macroscopic level.
  • The model is generally difficult to validate since many of the parameters are unknown or carry measurement errors. It is the most difficult challenge to quantify these effects at the cellular level. Eventually, it will be assessed at the macroscopic level by comparing the tumor regression to in vivo diagnostic observation (CT, US, MRI).
  • In the model parameters (e.g. related to the oxygen transport via the blood and diffusive processes) are lumped into several abstract parameters. This will be an especially useful concept to facilitate parameter estimation and validation from in vivo experiments.




Head Exposure System for a Human Provocation Study to Assess the Possible Influence of UMTS-Like Electromagnetic Fields on Cerebral Blood Circulation Using Near-Infrared Imaging

Hugo Lehmann, Laurent Pollara, Sonja Spichtig, Sven Kühn, and Martin Wolf, Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 33, Issue 2, pp. 124–133, February 2012. Online August 12, 2011





Treatment of Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Very Low Levels of Amplitude-Modulated Electromagnetic Fields

Frederico P. Costa, André Cosme de Oliveira, Roberto Meirelles, Marcel C.C. Machado, Tatiana Zanesco, Rodrigo Surjan, Maria Cristina Chammas, Manoel de Souza Rocha, Desiree Morgan, Alan Cantor, Jacquelyn Zimmerman, Ivan Brezovich, Niels Kuster, Alexandre Barbault, and Boris Pasche, British Journal of Cancer, Volume 105, Number 5, pp. 640–648, August 23, 2011. Online August 9





Children and Adults Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields at the ICNIRP Reference Levels: Theoretical Assessment of the Induced Peak Temperature Increase

Jurriaan F. Bakker, Margarethus M. Paulides, Esra Neufeld, Andreas Christ, Niels Kuster, Gerard C. van Rhoon, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 56, Number 15, pp. 4967–4990, August, 2011, online July 19





Analysis of the Local Worst-Case SAR Exposure Caused by an MRI Multi-Transmit Body Coil in Anatomical Models of the Human Body

Esra Neufeld, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Manuel Murbach, Andreas Christ, Eugenia Cabot and Niels Kuster, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 56, Number 15, pp. 4649–4659, August, 2011, online July 6





Estimation Formulas for the Specific Absorption Rate in Humans Exposed to Base Station Antennas

Marie-Christine Gosselin, Günter Vermeeren, Sven Kühn, Valpré Kellerman, Stefan Benkler, Tero M. I. Uusitupa, Wout Joseph, Azeddine Gati, Joe Wiart, Frans J. C. Meyer, Luc Martens, Toshio Nojima, Takashi Hikaje, Quirino Balzano, Andreas Christ, Niels Kuster, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume 53, Issue 4, pp. 909–922, November 2011, online June 9

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