Genetic Analysis of Circadian Responses to Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Drosophila melanogaster

Genetic Analysis of Circadian Responses to Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Drosophila melanogaster

Giorgio Fedele, Mathew Edwards, Supriya Bhutani, John Hares, Manuel Murbach, Edward Green, Stephane Dissel, Michael Hastings, Ezio Rosato, and Charalambos Kyriacou, PLoS Genetics, Volume 10, Issue 12, online December 4, 2014

Animals can detect the Earth’s static magnetic field and use it for navigation and geo-orientation. Magnetoreception may be mediated by the blue-light sensitive photoreceptor cryptochrome (CRY) by means of a radical pair mechanism (RPM) involving photoactivation of the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor and subsequent intramolecular electron transfer from nearby conserved tryptophan residues. CRYs are also important components of animal circadian clocks, the 24-hour biological timers that regulate daily behavioral and physiological cycles. Previously reported genetics findings of CRY-dependent behavioral responses of Drosophila melanogaster to electromagnetic fields based on conditioning, circadian, and geotaxis assays support the involvement of CRY in magnetoreception.

This study describes a novel method to generate uniquely consistent and reliable circadian responses to electromagnetic fields. The flies were exposed in a sXcELF system supplied by the IT’IS Foundation. The applied ELF-EMFs (3 – 50 Hz and 0.3 – 1 mT) induced changes in two locomotor phenotypes, circadian period, and activity levels. These field-induced phenotypes are CRY- and blue-light dependent and are correlated with enhanced CRY stability. Endogenous mammalian CRYs, however, were not found to be directly sensitive to light or EMF in a circadian assay in mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus slices. The results support that CRYs act as blue-light/EMF sensors in the circadian response, but that the response depends on as yet unidentified factors present in the cellular environment.

The scientific and technical impact of the study can be summarized as:

  • Further evidence of ELF-EMF effects in Drosophila melanogaster circadian responses
  • Evidence for a link between cryptochromes, EMF, and the circadian clock
  • Robust bio-effects of moderate-intensity ELF-EMFs




Quantification of RF-Exposure of the Fetus Using Anatomical CAD-Models in Three Different Gestational Stages

Eugenia Cabot, Andreas Christ, Barbara Bühlmann, Marcel Zefferer, Nicolas Chavannes, Jurriaan F. Bakker, Gerard C. van Rhoon, and Niels Kuster, Health Physics, Volume 107, Issue 5, pp. 369381, online November 2014





Dosimetric Study of Fetal Exposure to Uniform Magnetic Fields at 50 Hz

Ilaria Liorni, Marta Parazzini, Serena Fiocchi, Mark Douglas, Myles Capstick, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Niels Kuster, and Paolo Ravazzani, Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 35, Issue 8, pp. 580597, online September 29, 2014





Development of a New Generation of High-Resolution Anatomical Models for Medical Device Evaluation: The Virtual Population 3.0

Marie-Christine Gosselin, Esra Neufeld, Heidi Moser, Eveline Huber, Silvia Farcito, Livia Gerber, Maria Jedensjö, Isabel Hilber, Fabienne Di Gennaro, Bryn Lloyd, Emilio Cherubini, Dominik Szczerba, Wolfgang Kainz, and Niels Kuster, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 59, Issue 18, pp. 5287–5303, online August 21, 2014





Influence of Non Ionizing Radiation of Base Stations on the Activity of Redox Proteins in Bovines

Michael Hässig, Marietta Wullschleger, Hanspeter Naegeli, Jaqueline Kupper, Bernhard Spiess, Niels Kuster, Myles Capstick, and Manuel Murbach, BMC Veterinary Research, Volume 10, Issue 136, online June 19, 2014





Human Exposure to Close-Range Resonant Wireless Power Transfer Systems as a Function of Design Parameters

Xi Lin Chen, Aghuinyue Umenei, David Baarman, Nicolas Chavannes, Valerio De Santis, Juan Mosig, and Niels Kuster, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume PP, Issue 99, pp. 1-8, online March 12, 2014

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